Health benefits of massages

If you’re looking for a great way to relax while simultaneously improving your overall health, then you should consider booking a massage. Massage is a traditional healing method which brings about so many benefits to the body and mind when performed by professionals. Here’s a look at some of them.

 What are the health benefits of massages?

1.      De-stressing and anxiety reduction

There’s no denying that we’re living in an age of high anxiety and stress – pandemics, climate crises and host of other concerns have everyone in a constant state of stress. This dominates our thoughts, hampering our efforts to concentrate and actually do something about it. Human touch has the ability to reduce stress levels and bring about feelings of calm and relaxation. This is because the massage prompts the release of endorphins, while reducing stress hormones adrenaline, cortisol and norepinephrine.


2.      Improves posture

Modern life sees us sitting at desks in front of computers rather than getting out and about in nature. This impacts our posture which actually results in more stress, particularly in the shoulders and neck. Postural stress, as a result of sitting, can also lead to weakness in the lower back. Regular massages are able to counteract this imbalance and improve your overall posture.


3.      Better sleep

The importance of a good night’s rest for overall wellbeing cannot be overstated. Fortunately, massages are able to promote relaxation and sleep through the aforementioned anxiety reduction. This is not only the case for adults – babies, too, tend to be less stressed and more prone to a restful sleep when massaged.


4.      Easing muscle pain

For sports’ injuries or general muscle pain, massages are a great remedy. Massages improve blood and lymph circulation because of the physical manipulation of soft tissue and release of chemicals as part of the relaxation response. This enhances the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to muscle cells, while removing waste products.


5.      Immunity boosting

Research indicates that having a regular massage will actually boost your immune system – a vital benefit in the current age of Covid-19. Massaging will flush out toxins, increase blood flow and the activity of white blood cells to help the body fight diseases.


6.      Headache tension relief

If you suffer from headaches, then a massage is the right thing for you. Regular massages are known to decrease the frequency and severity of tension headaches.


What are the types of massages?

There are many different types of massages that you would need to consider, however they all come with associated health benefits. These include:


·         Swedish therapy massage: This involves soft, kneading strokes and rhythmic tapping on the surface layers of muscles.


·         Aromatic massage: This uses highly-concentrated plant oils – all with different health benefits – for a pressured yet gentle massage.


·         Sports massage: This is a therapeutic massage to release tension in joints, muscles and soft tissue groups.


·         Volcanic rock massage: Heated rocks are placed on the body’s tension points to ease muscles and soft tissue while promoting relaxation.


·         Pre-natal massage: This alleviates muscle pain and cramps while lowering anxiety in mom and baby.


·         Tension point scalp massage: This is great for alleviating stress associated with tension headaches.


·         Massage foot therapy: This focuses on particular pressure points to bring about full-body tension release.


·         Aroma cupping massage: This uses a blend of essential oils and a warmed cup that creates a vacuum suction to promote emotional and physical wellness.


If you want to find out more about the health benefits of massage and the best option for you, why not experience it first-hand? Evolve Day Spa is a contemporary urban sanctuary where industry professionals are ready to make you feel your absolute best.

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